Wednesday, 31 January 2018


One of the uses and gratifications of the Lego movie game is personal identity. In the Lego movie game there is a character called emit who is shown throughout the movie being very average and slightly boring. The director is trying to make emit relate with the audience by making him seem very average and ‘not special’. Emit is a big role model because he is just an ordinary person like you or me but he is seen saving the world, this also makes emit a role model for kids.

Another use and gratification of the Lego movie is the idea of escapism. The Lego movie is a great example of how media is used in movies and games to draw a variety of audiences, For example many people see Lego as a place where everything can be fixed, and you can do whatever you want. This appeals to kids and teens because everything they could think to build they can. The Lego movie game is used as escapism to go to a place where rules are not a thing and they can do anything they want.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 3 out of 8. This question is about the video game (not the movie). Your answer does not focus on the game throughout. See the topic sentence to your second paragraph. Always copy / paste the question asked at the top of each piece of exam work. You can screen shot it directly from the blog.
    1. You show understanding of the uses and gratifications model and use paragraphs to separate points. As the question asks for 'at least two', you should offer more than the bare minimum.
    2. Show understanding the cross-promotion with the film, the relationship with the brand and its characters. Lego as a brand can pull in a huge audience cross-section. What is the appeal of a video game in terms of sharing common interests, discussing strategy, talking about shared fun?
    3. Spell correctly the name printed on the poster: Emmet. You understand the relationship with some of the characters such as Emmet but don't refer to the superheroes. For Emmet, you should mention the tagline about the nobody who saves everybody.
    4. Refer to pleasures of the game itself such as the quest (exploring new worlds), the use of the first-person protagonist (the gamer associates directly with the game)
    5. Refer also to childhood nostalgia for parents & the pleasures of playing with their children
